5 oktyabr 2024
CAPACITY AT ULTRA BAR: 900 Bl. of F St. N.W. @dcfireems Fire Marshal on scene to investigate whether the club is at capacity or any overcrowding issues. Unknown what prompted this response
STABBING: 3000 Bl. of Stanton Rd. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a stabbing with one individual with stab wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
Police responded to a report of a suspicious package (abandoned box) on the 1200 block of 23rd St NW around 11:30pm. Detectives are on the scene investigating
ANOTHER SHOOTING-- 1200 blk Mt. Olivet Rd NE DC at Montello Ave. Man shot in the hand
@DCPoliceDept is on the scene at 3 different locations with 1 person shot at each scene. These are all separate shootings and unrelated. 1100 Bl. of 1st. Pl. N.W. 1200 Bl. of Mt. Olivet Rd. N.E. 2900 Bl. of N. St. S.E
Shooting Investigation in the 2900 block of N Street SE. No Lookout. W/ EVENT I20230593118
MAN STRUCK BY STRAY GUNFIRE IN HIS RESIDENCE-- 2900 blk N St SE DC at 29th St. Man was shot in the leg when shots were fired outside and came into his residence. No suspect info yet
Shooting Investigation in the 1200 Block of Mount Olivet Road, NE. No lookout
SHOOTOUT WITH MAN SHOT-- 1100 blk 1st Terr NW DC. Man found shot in the leg after a shootout
1700 blk 16th St at S St NW DC. 3-4 persons wearing hoodies armed with a gun carjacked a red 2020 BMW sedan with Md tags. Falcon is up helping search
Prezident Bayden deyir ki, Ukrayna və İsrailin uğur qazanması "Amerikanın milli təhlükəsizliyi üçün çox vacibdir".
Secretary of State Antony Blinken just sent a note to his staff. Key paragraphs
Bayden: "Amerika rəhbərliyi dünyanı bir arada tutan şeydir. Əgər Ukraynadan uzaqlaşsaq, İsrailə arxa çevirsək, bütün bunları riskə atmağa dəyməz. Ona görə də sabah Konqresə göndərəcəyəm. Amerikanın milli təhlükəsizliyini maliyyələşdirmək üçün təcili büdcə tələbi
We must without equivocation denounce anti Semitism, we must also without equivocation denounce Islamophobia. I see you. You're all American. - @POTUS
2800 blk Gainesville St SE DC. OFFICER SHOT (in legs and arms). A second officer was possibly injured but not shot. A shooter is also down and he is unconscious. Gun recovered. The officers were taken by other officers to a hospital
SHOTS FIRED AT AND/OR BY POLICE -- 2800 blk Gainesville St SE DC
300 Bl. of Hamilton St. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with a juvenile male located with gunshot wound injuries. That individual is conscious and breathing
Ağ Evdən: Bu gün günortadan sonra prezident Bayden bu axşamkı çıxışından əvvəl Ukrayna prezidenti Vladimir Zelenski ilə telefon danışığı keçirərək ABŞ-ın Rusiyanın amansız müharibəsi şəraitində Ukraynaya dəstək verməyə davam etdiyi öhdəliyini müzakirə edib. Sonra oxunuş olacaq
Thousands gathered at protests across D.C. in calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank
U.S. Capitol Police say there have been about 300 arrests of protesters in a demonstration of Jewish activists supporting Palestinians, which made its way into a House office building
STABBING: 1800 Bl. of Kendall St. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a stabbing with an adult female with NLT injuries
Homicide SHOOTING: 700 Bl. OF 15Th STREET N.E: MPD is on the scene of a shooting with one individual pronounced dead at the bus stop after being shot
Homicide SHOOTING: The individual located with critical gunshot wound injuries has been pronounced dead. This is the 2nd broad daylight homicide shooting near Hechinger Mall in the last few days
CRITICAL SHOOTING: 1500 Bl. of Benning Rd. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an adult male with critical gunshot wound injuries. That individual is unconscious and not breathing. VCB has been requested
Homicide SHOOTING: 700 Bl. OF 15Th STREET N.E: MPD is on the scene of a shooting with one individual pronounced dead at the bus stop after being shot
PROBABLE Fatal shooting-- 700 blk 15th St NE DC just south of Benning Rd. Man shot in the head. He is unconscious
Stabbing investigation in the 2300 B/O Pennsylvania Avenue S.E. No lookout.
SHOOTING: 1600 Bl. of Benning Rd. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with one individual with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
SHOOTING-- in the alley behind the McDonalds, 1600 blk Benning Rd NE DC. Man was shot in the legs
Shooting in the 1600 block of Benning Road, NE. No lookout