Vice President Kamala Harris is poised to become the official Democratic nominee for president after a virtual vote by party envoys
US-Geheimdienste gehen nun davon aus, dass der Iran sich der Liste der US-Gegner angeschlossen hat, die versuchen, sich in die US-Präsidentschaftswahlen einzumischen.
Eine geheime Untersuchung ging CIA-Informationen nach, die darauf hindeuteten, dass der ägyptische Präsident versucht hatte, 10 Millionen Dollar illegal in @realDonaldTrumps finanzschwachen Wahlkampf 2016 zu stecken. Die Ermittler von @TheJusticeDept entdeckten eine Bargeldabhebung von 10 Millionen Dollar. Sie durften jedoch keine wichtigen Unterlagen einsehen, um festzustellen, ob Trump das Geld genommen hatte, woraufhin der Fall eingestellt wurde
One person killed, one person critically injured in a shooting outside a recreation center in Washington, DC on August 1, 2024. 14-year-old killed, and a man was injured in a shooting outside a recreation center in Northeast D.C. Thursday night, police officers responded to the shooting around 7:57 p.m. on Tuckerman Street NE near the Lamond Recreation Center. Police officers found two people suffering from gunshot wounds. A 14-year-old was pronounced dead on the scene, and an 18-year-old man was taken to the hospital in critical condition.
SHOOTING/MOPED ROBBERY: 800 block of Longfellow Street NW in ManorParkDC. a person was shot during a moped robbery & was taken to a trauma center. MPD’s Falcon-1 was up briefly but is now searching for a critical missing person
The barricade has concluded without incident. The investigation remains ongoing. Thank you for your patience.This barricade was related to the earlier shooting investigation in the 500 block of Newcomb Street, Southeast
A 14-year-old is dead, and a man is injured after a shooting outside a rec center in Northeast D.C. Thursday night, according to MPD
A 14 year-old boy was shot & killed outside of the Lamond Rec Center on Tuckerman Street NE tonight. An 18 year-old was also shot & transported to a trauma center with critical injuries. DC Police continue to look for the shooter & confirm a basketball game was taking place inside at the time, however cannot confirm if the two incidents are connected.
MPD is on the scene of a barricade situation in the 500 block of Newcomb Street, Southeast. MPD's Emergency Response Team is responding to the scene.
Two people are injured after a shooting in Northeast D.C. Thursday night, according to Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officials
Blinken: Die Wahlergebnisse zeigen mit überwältigender Mehrheit den Willen des venezolanischen Volkes: Der demokratische Oppositionskandidat @EdmundoGU hat bei den Wahlen am Sonntag die meisten Stimmen gewonnen. Die Venezolaner haben gewählt, und ihre Stimmen müssen zählen
The Metropolitan Police Department arrests a suspect in a fatal stabbing that occurred on July 9, 2022, in the 1600 block of New York Avenue, Northeast.
7 Monat zuvorNichts über die Ukraine ohne die Ukraine, versichert das Außenministerium. „Das ist absolut unsere Politik"
7 Monat zuvor@CISAgov ernennt Lisa Einstein zur ersten Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer. Einstein wird die Bemühungen von CISA überwachen, „KI verantwortungsvoll einzusetzen, um seine Cyberabwehrmission voranzutreiben und kritische Infrastrukturen bei der sicheren Entwicklung und Einführung von KI zu unterstützen".
CITIZEN CARJACKED AT GUNPOINT AT CITGO GAS: 2300 Bl. of Penn Ave. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed carjacking with a citizen having their Honda Accord taken by an unknown individual armed with a gun
Totten Metro Station 200 Bl. of Galloway St. N.E. @MetroTransitPD and DCFD on scene of a Metro Train collision with a pedestrian struck. That individual has been pronounced dead on scene. This is a recovery
Firearm, propane tank found in vehicle near White House; suspect arrested
FBI: Social-Media-Konto, das vermutlich dem Schützen bei einer Trump-Rallye gehört, befürwortete politische Gewalt und enthielt antisemitische Posts
MPD Units are investigating a stabbing at Montello Avenue, NE and Simms Place, NE. Lookout for a B/F, 32 years of age, 5’8” wearing a black bonnet unknown clothing. Last seen across the street at the bus stop on Montello Avenue, NE
TWO JUVENILES ON CRIME SPREE: 4100 Bl. of Wheeler Rd. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating two different incidents at the same location. One citizen had their possessions taken at gunpoint. And a second citizen carjacked at gunpoint with their Toyota taken by 2 juveniles
The Shelter in place request from Catholic University has been lifted.Man shot near Catholic University on the 400 Block of Michigan Ave NE at 7:56pm. He was pronounced dead on the scene. This is now a homicide investigation
Man shot near Catholic University on the 400 Block of Michigan Ave NE at 7:56pm. He was pronounced dead on the scene. This is now a homicide investigation. Catholic University is asking those on main campus to remain sheltered in place
ANOTHER Homicide SHOOTING FOR WASHINGTON, D.C. 400 Bl. of Michigan Ave. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an adult male pronounced dead from gunshot wound injuries. This is the second homicide shooting for D.C. today.
7 Monat zuvorEinschätzung der US-Geheimdienste zu den Bemühungen Russlands, Chinas und des Iran, die US-Wahlen zu beeinflussen
US-Präsident Joe Biden hat einen Plan zur Reform des Obersten Gerichtshofs vorgestellt, der unter anderem Amtszeitbeschränkungen für die neun Richter und einen durchsetzbaren Ethikkodex vorsieht.
SHOOTING: 3500 Bl. Of Ames Street N.E: Mpd is on the scene of a shooting with one individual found suffering from GSW injuries. The severity of injuries is unknown at this time
Shooting Investigation in the 3500 block of Ames Street, NE. No lookout at this time.
STABBING: Dcfd along with Mpd is on the scene of a stabbing at 9th and Barnaby St S.E. The severity of the injuries are unknown
7 Monat zuvorSHOOTING INVESTIGATION with @MetroTransitPD on scene. Severity of injuries unknown. Near 13th and U St. N.W.Large police presence at U Street @wmata station. About 10 policemen and more coming
MPD confirming a barricade incident at the same location as the Homicide Shooting. ERT is in enroute.MPD is on the scene of a barricade situation in the 3200 block of 28th Street, Southeast.