11 Marzo 2025
The Metropolitan Police Department announces the arrest of a suspect in a fatal shooting that occurred on 9.11.24 in the 3700 blk of Alabama Ave., Southeast
El presidente Trump ha publicado: "ICE detuvo con orgullo a Mahmoud Khalil, un estudiante extranjero radical pro-Hamas en el campus de la Universidad de Columbia. Este es el primer arresto de muchos por venir". Mahmoud Khalil, manifestante pro-Palestina de la Universidad de Columbia y estudiante recién graduado, supuestamente ha sido detenido por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional en Nueva York. Según su comunicado de prensa, los agentes del DHS dijeron que el Departamento de Estado de los EE. UU. había revocado la tarjeta verde de Khalil.
La editora del Washington Post, Ruth Marcus, dice que renunciará después de que Will Lewis rechazara una columna sobre el giro de opinión de Jeff Bezos al estilo del Wall Street Journal
Secretario de Estado de EE.UU.: Hemos decidido cancelar el 83% de los programas de USAID después de una revisión de 6 semanas
ANOTHER PERSON SHOT IN DC: 5000 Bl. of Jay St. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with one individual with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown.
PERSON SHOT IN NW DC: 6800 Bl. of Georgia Ave. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with one individual with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
CITIZEN CARJACKED BY 5 MALES AT GUNPOINT IN NE DC: 4000 Bl. of Minn Ave. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed carjacking with a citizen having their Chevy Trailblazer taken by 5 individuals armed with atleast one armed with a gun
SHOOTING IN DC: The Vale Apartments 6800 block of Georgia Ave NW in Brightwood DC— the victim was shot on the fifth floor of the apartment building and reportedly dropped off at the hospital
Identificación del sospechoso según Fox News: "Fuentes policiales identificaron al sospechoso como Andrew Dawson, de 27 años, de Indiana. Los agentes dijeron que estaba armado con un arma de fuego y un cuchillo cuando fue confrontado por agentes que investigaban una alerta anterior. La policía de Indiana había notificado a las autoridades de DC que Dawson se dirigía en coche al área de Washington, DC y que tenía "intenciones suicidas". Los boletines de inteligencia también indicaban que el sospechoso quería cometer "suicidio por parte de la policía".
Box Alarm 4300 block Texas Ave SE. Air conditioner on exterior on fire extended to 2nd floor 2.5 story detached house. DC firefighters
Box Alarm 900 block 10th St NW. Smoke coming from air handler on roof. Appears to be fire in duct work. DC firefighters
Box Alarm 400 block Emerson St NW. Fire confined to area between basement ceiling and first floor and is now under control with no injuries. DC firefighters
Box Alarm 400 block Emerson St NW. Fire basement ceiling 2 story middle row dwelling. Fire has been exposed and knocked down. Checking for extension. No injuries. Request Air Unit and . DC firefighters
El Servicio Secreto de Estados Unidos disparó contra un hombre armado fuera de la Casa Blanca después de un enfrentamiento con las fuerzas del orden, según informó en un comunicado. Trump no se encontraba en la residencia en ese momento.
Man carrying gun near White House shot and injured by Secret Service
@MetroTransitPD is also on scene of this shooting. This incident possibly took place on a Metro Bus.
Metro Trasnit along with Dcfd is on scene of a shooting at 22nd & Minnesota Ave. S.E. with one individual transported with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown. This may have taken place on a metro bus
MAN ARRESTED AFTER GRABBING STEERING WHEEL OF BUS WHILE IN OPERATION: Georgia Ave. & Geranium St. N.W. @MetroTransitPD on scene investigating an incident with a passenger grabbing the steering wheel of the bus. That individual was placed in custody
PERSON SHOT IN SE DC: 22nd & Minnesota Ave. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with one individual transported with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
Box Alarm 1400 block N St NW. Smoke condition 6th floor apartment. Searching for the fire. DC firefighters
Police responded to the 1700 block of South Capitol St SE at 3:12pm for the report of a deceased person in the Anacostia River. MPD's Natural Squad was requested to the scene. There is no additional information at this time
The Metropolitan Police Department announces the arrest of a suspect involved in a shooting that occurred on 3.1.25 in the 5100 block of Hanna Pl., Southeast
La Casa Blanca dice que Trump hablará a las 11 am ET. No se especificó el tema
El presidente Trump firma una orden ejecutiva que crea oficialmente una Reserva Estratégica de Bitcoin
REPORTERO: ¿Qué opinas de la liquidación del mercado de esta semana TRUMP: Creo que son los globalistas los que ven lo rico que será nuestro país y no les gusta.
Trump sobre su guerra comercial: "Una vez más, habrá disrupciones"
El representante Al Green (demócrata de Texas) dijo que el presidente Trump probablemente será sometido a juicio político si "continúa con este comportamiento" después de que el representante de Texas fuera censurado por su protesta durante el discurso de Trump ante el Congreso esta semana.
The Metropolitan Police Department announces the arrest of a suspect in an armed robbery in the 1100 block of 5th Street, Southeast
Box Alarm 2400 block James Bank Rd SE. Kitchen fire extinguished by activated sprinkler. No injuries. Sprinklers save lives and property. DC firefighters
Two trains are stopped at Tenleytowm Metro with Secret Service on scene along with Mpd with approx 6 juveniles stopped after allegedly firing a BB gun and Wawa employees