Vivek Ramaswamy no trabajará en el nuevo Departamento de Eficiencia Gubernamental de Trump, dice la Casa Blanca - AP
1 mes atrásElon Musk hizo un gesto que parece un saludo romano en la celebración de la inauguración (dos veces)
A group of protesters expressing support for migrants, D.C. statehood and more was traveling down 16th Street NW, blocking traffic
The protesters are now heading down 16th towards the White House. There were a few clashes with a few Trump supporters. at least one man taken into custody earlier
La Casa Blanca dice que Estados Unidos se retirará una vez más del acuerdo climático de París
1 mes atrásTrump: Estados Unidos volverá a considerarse una nación en crecimiento, que aumenta su riqueza, expande su territorio, construye sus ciudades, eleva sus expectativas y lleva su bandera hacia nuevos y hermosos horizontes
1 mes atrásPrimer comunicado de prensa de la Casa Blanca de Trump:
Trump: Comenzaremos a deportar millones de yenes a los países de donde vinieron
Trump es investido presidente de los Estados Unidos
JD Vance jura como vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos
1 mes atrásThere’s a lot of focus on workers, immigration and Palestinian rights. An anti-Trump protest is happening at Malcolm X Park. They’re rallying against several issues including what they’re calling Trump’s billionaire agenda. A mock guillotine also just showed up. The plan is for them to march down 16th
1 mes atrásAn anti-Trump protest is happening at Malcolm X Park. They’re rallying against several issues including what they’re calling Trump’s billionaire agenda. A mock guillotine also just showed up. The plan is for them to march down 16th
Harris recibe en la Casa Blanca al vicepresidente de Trump, JD Vance
Trump viaja a la Casa Blanca para reunirse con Biden
Nuevo funcionario de la administración: Trump pondrá fin al asilo y cerrará las fronteras a los inmigrantes ilegales
Nuevo funcionario de la administración estadounidense: Trump firmará una orden ejecutiva que declara emergencia energética
CNN, citando a una fuente informada: El presidente electo Donald Trump firmará 10 órdenes ejecutivas relacionadas con la inmigración después de su toma de posesión
Biden indulta al general Mark Milley, al doctor Anthony Fauci y a los miembros y testigos del Comité del Congreso del 6 de enero
El vicepresidente chino Han Zheng se reúne con @JDVance y @elonmusk antes de la investidura de Trump
Vicepresidente chino a homólogo electo de EE.UU.: Las relaciones económicas y comerciales son temas comunes e importantes para ambos países
TRAITORS. Screamed protester as they confronted Trump Supporters and a group of Nationalists outside of Capital One Arena where Trump is holding a pre-innaguaration rally
Crowd charged toward front gate as people waiting in line are getting anxious that they'll reach capacity. Briefly overwhelming National Guard Units.
Protesters, Topples Trump Supporters and Random DANCING outside of Capital One Arena where Trump is holding his rally
Trump supporters lined up for several blocks by Capital One Arena for today’s Trump rally in Washington, D.C
Military police out near Capital One Arena in DC, where today’s Trump rally is taking place
Trump supporters pass a cardboard cutout of Trump on a surfboard across the crowd gathered to head into Capital One Arena in DC
WOMAN STABBED 800 Bl. of Kenilworth Ave. N.E. @DCPoliceDept responded overnight for a stabbing with an adult female transported with injuries
Second District officers responded to an apartment in the 5400 block of Connecticut Ave NW yesterday at 12:47pm for a check on the welfare. Once on the scene, officers located an adult female and a juvenile female both not conscious and not breathing. They were both pronounced dead on the scene. This is currently a death investigation.
Officers responded to the 800 block of Kenilworth Ave NE at 1:48am in reference to a stabbing. The victim, an adult female, was located suffering from a stab wound. The victim reported that she was involved in a verbal altercation with the suspect.
Officers responded to the 2800 block of 28th St SE at 12:18am for reports of a shooting. Officers discovered an adult male who was shot and was transported to a local hospital conscious and breathing. This incident remains under investigation