18 ספטמבר 2024
MPD is on the scene of a confirmed shooting in the 4600 block of Martin Luther King Junior Avenue, South-West
DOUBLE SHOOTING W/MEDEVAC: 4600 Bl. of MLK Jr. Ave. S.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an unknown age male with a gunshot graze wound injury and an unknown age female with gunshot wound injuries
CITIZEN ROBBED AT GUNPOINT: 1600 Bl. of G St. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by 3 individuals with atleast one armed with a gun
Man shot on the 2300 block of Pennsylvania Ave SE. He is conscious and breathing. No lookout at this time
SHOOTING: 2300 Bl. of Penn Ave. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with one individual with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
ANOTHER CITIZEN ROBBED AT GUNPOINT: 5600 Bl. of Nannie Halen Burroughs Ave. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by two individuals armed with guns. This is the 2nd citizen robbed in this area
SHOOTING investigation in the 2800 block of Shipley Terrace, SE. Lookout for a B/M wearing all black clothing.
MAJOR CRASH: 1500 Bl. Of Pennsylvania Ave S.E At K Street S.E: Mpd along with Dcfd is on the scene of a crash with two individuals being transported with serious injuries. D. Is also on scene
Seven people are injured after two separate shootings in D.C. on Friday night, according to Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officials
Double shooting on the 1000 block of Spring Rd NW at 10:36pm. A man and a woman were shot. The man and is conscious & breathing; the woman is unconscious & not breathing. Homicide has been called. Lookout is for a black male, with tattoos on his face.
Shooting in the 1000 B/O Spring Road N.W.. Lookout is for a black male, with tattoos on his face
DOUBLE CRITICAL SHOOTING-- 10th St at Spring Rd NW DC. Woman and man both shot; both Priority-1s
CRITICAL DOUBLE SHOOTING: 1000 Bl. of Spring Rd. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an adult female with critical gunshot wound injuries and also adult male with gunshot wound injuries. VCB has been requested.
1800 Bl. OF CORCORAN STREET N.E.MPD is on the scene investigating a shooting with an adult male transported conscious & breathing after suffering GSW injuries
SHOOTING 1800 block of Corcoran Street NE in Trinidad DC Victim shot & set to be taken to a trauma center. Condition unknown at this time
4800 Bl. of Marlboro Pk. Coral Hills, MD. Pgpd Is on scene investigating an attempted robbery with multiple individuals walking into the business and trying to take cash from the register. They fled and were unsuccessful
4800 of Marlboro Pk. Coral Hills, MD. @PGPDNews on scene investigating a robbery with an individual(s) walking into the store and taking cash from the store. No weapon was produced. Possibly the same people from the CVS attempt robbery.
שופט אמריקאי מאשים את עורכי הדין של טראמפ בניסיון לחסום פרסום ראיות על חתרנות בבחירות ב-2020
A fire at a row house in Southeast D.C. left 12 people displaced Wednesday afternoon, according to D.C. Fire and EMS officials
Southeast District Shooting Investigation Sept
MPD scanning the area behind the Circle 7 Market on Mount Olivet Rd NE after receiving a call for a shooting. No victims were found on scene
A man is dead after a pedestrian-involved hit-and-run in Southeast D.C. Wednesday night, according to Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officials
Fatal pedestrian struck hit & run on 22nd St SE & Minnesota Ave SE. A man was struck by a vehicle that fled the scene at 9pm. Major crash has been called. MPD Crash (Pedestrian struck ) at Minnesota Ave & Naylor Rd/22nd St SE2100 - 2200 Minnesota Ave SE between Q & 23rd Sts SE1400 22nd St SE between Prout St & Minnesota Ave SE2100 Naylor Rd SE between Q St & Minnesota Ave SEPlease follow directions provided by MPD
עובדי רוסיה RT עומדים בפני כתב אישום: -31 - קוסטיאנטין קלצ'ניקוב -27 - Elena Afanasyeva שניהם הואשמו בקשירת קשר להפרת חוק רישום סוכנים זרים (FARA) וקשירת קשר לביצוע הלבנת הון
התובע הכללי של ארה"ב קורא לירי בבית הספר בג'ורג'יה "טרגדיה איומה"
ארה"ב מאשימה שני רוסים, משתלטת על שמות מתחם במאבק בהתערבות בבחירות
. @TheJusticeDept מכריזה על תפיסה של 32 דומיינים באינטרנט המשמשים את מסע הדיסאינפורמציה הרוסי "Doppelganger" וטוענת כי חברות רוסיות Social Design Agency (SDA), Structura National Technology (Structura) ו-ANO Dialog "פועלות תחת ניהול ובקרה של המינהל הנשיאותי הרוסי, ובפרט סגן ראש הסגל הראשון של לשכת הנשיאות, סרגיי ולדילנוביץ' קיריינקו, השתמש בתחומים אלה, בין היתר, כדי להפיץ באופן סמוי תעמולה ממשלתית רוסית במטרה להפחית את התמיכה הבינלאומית באוקראינה, לחזק את המדיניות והאינטרסים הפרו-רוסים, ולהשפיע מצביעים בבחירות בארה"ב ובבחירות זרות".
עובדי RT עזרו לתזמר תוכנית של 10 מיליון דולר להגברת החטיבה המקומית בארה"ב באמצעות חברה בארה"ב, לפי AG Garland Investigation נשאר "פעיל ומתמשך"
ארה"ב מאשימה 2 עובדים של RT הרוסי בהלבנת הון והפרת FARA, לפי @TheJusticeDept עו"ד מריק גרלנד
3 kids, 1 adult escape car crushed by fallen tree in Northwest DC