Mpd is on the scene of a shooting in the 2900 Bl. Of Knox Pl. S.E with an individual located inside of an apartment suffering from GSW injuries
PERSON STABBED NEAR US NAVAL OBSERVATORY: 2300 Bl. of Wisconsin Ave. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a stabbing with one individual with stab wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown.
MPD Units are investigating a Stabbing in the 2300 block of Wisconsin Avenue, NW. Lookout for H/M, approximately 23 yoa, 5'11", wearing a White Shirt and Dark Jeans,
DC Police is on the scene of a confirmed shooting in the 100 blk 57th Street, SE
100 Bl. of 57th St. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an adult male with multiple gunshot wound injuries. That individual is conscious and breathing.
2900 Bl. of Knox Pl. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an adult male pronounced dead from gunshot wound injuries. Homicide has been requested. This is the 3rd person killed today in D.C.
Mpd is on the scene of a shooting in the 2900 Bl. Of Knox Pl. S.E with an individual located inside of an apartment suffering from GSW injuries
CITIZEN CARJACKED AT GUNPOINT BLOCKS FROM DUPONT CIRCLE AREA: 1800 Bl. of 17th St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed carjacking with a citizen having their Chevy Trax taken by 3 individuals with atleast one armed with a gun
Mpd is on the scene investigating an armed carjacking with an individual being robbed by 3 individuals all armed with guns for their 2025 Chevy Trax in the 1800 Bl. Of 17th Street N.W
3 nedēļa atpakaļMpd is on the scene of a shooting with a juvenile female transported conscious & breathing after suffering a GSW in the 2200 Bl. Of Minnesota Ave S.E
3 nedēļa atpakaļTRIPLE SHOOTING WITH DOUBLE Homicide. Mpd is on the scene of a triple shooting in the 4000 Bl. Of Minnesota Ave N.E with one adult male conscious & breathing and two adult males unconscious & not breathing
Fire 5000 block Sheriff Rd NE. Fire confined to 2nd floor and under control. No injuries. 3 displaced & @RedCrossNCGC notified. Investigators on scene. DC firefighters
1500 Bl. of Tubman Rd. S.E. Metropolitan Police Department is currently on scene investigating a robbery in which a citizen’s shoes were taken by an individual who did not produce a weapon
CITIZEN ROBBED OF SHOES IN SE DC: 1500 Bl. of Tubman Rd. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a robbery with a citizen having their shoes taken by an individual with no weapon produced
Trump: He who saves his Country does not violate any Law
Units responded to the 700 Bl. Of T street where they located an adult male suffering from GSW injuries. He was transported conscious & breathing.
ANOTHER Overnight shooting BLOCKS FROM THE T STREET SHOOTING: 900 Bl. of Florida Ave. N.W. @DCPoliceDept responded around 4:13 a.m. for a shooting and located an adult male with gunshot wound injuries. That individual was transported conscious and breathing
700 Bl. of T St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept responded for a shooting and located an adult male with gunshot wound injuries. That individual was translated conscious and breathing. MPD Units are investigating a shooting in the 700 block of T Street, NW.
MPD Units are investigating a Robbery in the 1600 block of Franklin St., NE. Lookout is for a B/M,, 6'0", wearing all black clothing and a ski mask
MPD Units are investigating a shooting in the 900 block of Florida Avenue, NW. Lookout is for (4) b/Ms, 21-22 yoa. 5'9", light complexion. One armed with a handgun
MPD Units are investigating a shooting in the 700 block of T Street, NW. No lookout at this time.
3 nedēļa atpakaļWhite House bans the AP from the Oval Office and Air Force One for not using ‘Gulf of America’
Two people were evaluated for minor injuries after a car overturned during a crash in Northeast, D.C. Thursday, according to the D.C. Fire and EMS Department
Protesters gathered outside the Kennedy Center on Thursday night, chanting, "It's our duty to fight for our freedom," in response to recent changes implemented by President Donald Trump at the performing arts venue
3 nedēļa atpakaļDuring an ongoing presser at the White House, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Howard Lutnick stated that the implementation of the reciprocal tariffs could be as early as April 2. A proposed reciprocal tariff framework may be presented to the president on the 1st of April
"Tramps pabeidza zvanu, iedodot Zelenskim savu personīgo numuru un teica, ka var viņam piezvanīt tieši," ziņo @BarakRavid. "Tramps jautāja, vai Valsts kases sekretārs Skots Besents, kurš bija ceļojumā uz Ukrainu, jau atradās Kijevā, kad tas notika. Zelenskis sacīja, ka ieradās pēc streikiem." "Tramps sacīja Zelenskim, ka ASV pārrunu komandā būs arī CIP direktors Džons Retklifs un Baltā nama sūtnis Stīvs Vitkofs, un lūdza Zelenskim iecelt savu sarunu grupu."
3 nedēļa atpakaļ4 occupied 3 story row homes were ravaged by fire at this 3rd Alarm and specials in the 1800 block of 19th St NW. Blaze took place on January 15th, 1982, 2 days following the Air Florida crash. DC firefighters
3 nedēļa atpakaļKīts Kellogs: Gatavojoties tuvākajās dienās tikties ar @ZelenskyyUa un citām Ukrainas amatpersonām Minhenē un Kijevā, man bija prieks ar vēstnieku @OMarkarova apspriest @POTUS redzējumu par stabilitātes atjaunošanu Ukrainā. Mēs nenogurstoši strādāsim, lai panāktu ilgstošu mieru
3 nedēļa atpakaļReportieris: Vai jūs nākotni, kurā Ukraina atgriežas pie tās robežām pirms 2014 TRUMPS: Tas noteikti šķiet maz ticams. Viņi paņēma daudz zemes un cīnījās par šo zemi
3 nedēļa atpakaļReportieris: Vai jūs uzskatāt Ukrainu par līdzvērtīgu šī miera procesa dalībvalsti TRUMPS: Ummmm. tas ir interesants jautājums. Es domāju, ka viņiem ir jāsamierinās. Tas nebija labs karš, kurā iesaistīties