Vivek Ramaswamy zal niet dienen in Trumps nieuwe Department of Government Efficiency, zegt het Witte Huis - AP
1 maand geledenElon Musk maakte een gebaar dat leek op een Romane-groet tijdens de inauguratieviering (twee keer)
A group of protesters expressing support for migrants, D.C. statehood and more was traveling down 16th Street NW, blocking traffic
The protesters are now heading down 16th towards the White House. There were a few clashes with a few Trump supporters. at least one man taken into custody earlier
VS zal zich opnieuw terugtrekken uit klimaatakkoord van Parijs, zegt Witte Huis
1 maand geledenTrump: De Verenigde Staten zullen zichzelf opnieuw beschouwen als een groeiende natie, een natie die onze welvaart vergroot, ons grondgebied uitbreidt, onze steden bouwt, onze verwachtingen verhoogt en onze vlag naar nieuwe en prachtige horizonten brengt
1 maand geledenEerste persverklaring van Trump in het Witte Huis:
Trump: We gaan miljoenen yens deporteren naar de landen waar ze vandaan kwamen
Trump wordt ingehuldigd als president van de Verenigde Staten
JD Vance beëdigd als vicepresident van de Verenigde Staten
1 maand geledenThere’s a lot of focus on workers, immigration and Palestinian rights. An anti-Trump protest is happening at Malcolm X Park. They’re rallying against several issues including what they’re calling Trump’s billionaire agenda. A mock guillotine also just showed up. The plan is for them to march down 16th
1 maand geledenAn anti-Trump protest is happening at Malcolm X Park. They’re rallying against several issues including what they’re calling Trump’s billionaire agenda. A mock guillotine also just showed up. The plan is for them to march down 16th
Harris verwelkomt Trumps vicepresident JD Vance in het Witte Huis
Trump gaat naar het Witte Huis om Biden te ontmoeten
Nieuwe regeringsfunctionaris: Trump zal asiel beëindigen en grenzen sluiten voor illegale immigranten
Nieuwe Amerikaanse regeringsfunctionaris: Trump ondertekent uitvoerend bevel om noodtoestand op energiegebied uit te roepen
CNN, citerend uit een goed ingelichte bron: De verkozen president Donald Trump zal na zijn inauguratie 10 uitvoerende besluiten ondertekenen met betrekking tot immigratie
Biden verleent gratie aan generaal Mark Milley, Dr. Anthony Fauci en leden en getuigen van het Congrescomité van 6 januari
Chinese vice-president Han Zheng ontmoet @JDVance en @elonmusk voorafgaand aan de inauguratie van Trump
Chinese vice-president tegenover Amerikaanse tegenhanger: economische en handelsrelaties zijn gemeenschappelijke en belangrijke kwesties voor beide landen
TRAITORS. Screamed protester as they confronted Trump Supporters and a group of Nationalists outside of Capital One Arena where Trump is holding a pre-innaguaration rally
Crowd charged toward front gate as people waiting in line are getting anxious that they'll reach capacity. Briefly overwhelming National Guard Units.
Protesters, Topples Trump Supporters and Random DANCING outside of Capital One Arena where Trump is holding his rally
Trump supporters lined up for several blocks by Capital One Arena for today’s Trump rally in Washington, D.C
Military police out near Capital One Arena in DC, where today’s Trump rally is taking place
Trump supporters pass a cardboard cutout of Trump on a surfboard across the crowd gathered to head into Capital One Arena in DC
WOMAN STABBED 800 Bl. of Kenilworth Ave. N.E. @DCPoliceDept responded overnight for a stabbing with an adult female transported with injuries
Second District officers responded to an apartment in the 5400 block of Connecticut Ave NW yesterday at 12:47pm for a check on the welfare. Once on the scene, officers located an adult female and a juvenile female both not conscious and not breathing. They were both pronounced dead on the scene. This is currently a death investigation.
Officers responded to the 800 block of Kenilworth Ave NE at 1:48am in reference to a stabbing. The victim, an adult female, was located suffering from a stab wound. The victim reported that she was involved in a verbal altercation with the suspect.
Officers responded to the 2800 block of 28th St SE at 12:18am for reports of a shooting. Officers discovered an adult male who was shot and was transported to a local hospital conscious and breathing. This incident remains under investigation
Shooting near Howard University campus: Two injured
MPD Units are investigating a STABBING in the 800 block of Kenilworth Avenue, NE. No lookout.
MPD Units are investigating a shooting in the 2800 block of 28th Street S.E. No lookout.
Box Alarm 5300 block 5th St Nw. Small fire in the wall 2nd floor of a 2 story row dwelling. Fire extinguished with no extension or injuries. DC firefighters