22 Luty 2025
Box alarm 1100 block 9th St NW. Small fire on an outside patio that has been extinguished with no extension to the structure. No injuries. Request . DC firefighters
Kash Patel potwierdzony jako dyrektor FBI, 51-49
SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE INVESTIGATION NEAR U.S. SUPREME COURT: IAO 100 Bl. of Maryland Ave. N.E. @CapitolPolice on scene investigating a suspicious package. AVOID THIS AREA, I will update once the all clear has been given.
MPD Units are investigating a Robbery at Pennsylvania Ave. & L'Enfant Sq. SE. LOF (2) B/M's: S-1 is the driver no lookout/S-2 is 5'10", light complx, dreadlocks, no clothing /armed with a silver handgun/Last seen on Minnesota Ave in a white Chrysler 300 with a VA tag of TRF7325
Mike Waltz, doradca ds. bezpieczeństwa narodowego Trumpa, powiedział, że Ukraina powinna powstrzymać krytykę i „szybko" podpisać umowę dotyczącą minerałów: „Muszą złagodzić ton, przyjrzeć się uważnie i podpisać tę umowę". Waltz powiedział, że opór Ukrainy w sprawie umowy dotyczącej minerałów i sposobu, w jaki Trump prowadzi rozmowy pokojowe, jest „po prostu nie do przyjęcia", biorąc pod uwagę „wszystko, co Stany Zjednoczone zrobiły dla Ukrainy"
Thursday morning Mpd responded to a shooting in the 2000 bl. Of Benning Rd N.E once on scene, they located a juvenile female suffering from a gsw. She was transported conscious & breathing. Further, investigation revealed that she was shot by another teen female
Prezydent Trump podpisał w środę rozporządzenie wykonawcze, które ma na celu ograniczenie licznych agencji federalnych, w tym Instytutu Pokoju Stanów Zjednoczonych i kilku komitetów doradczych, w ramach trwających działań na rzecz zmniejszenia wielkości rządu federalnego
MPD Units are investigating a shooting in the 2000 block of Benning Road, NE. No lookout at this time.
Witnesses question use of force in deadly DC Police shooting
Box Alarm 2000 block Pa. Ave NW. Smoke condition originated with HVAC. Ventilating the affected area. Incident under control with no injuries. DC firefighters
3 dzień temu
Sekretarz obrony Hegseth nakazał wyższym rangą przywódcom Pentagonu opracowanie planów cięcia budżetu obronnego o 8 procent w każdym z najbliższych pięciu lat, zgodnie z notatką uzyskaną przez „The Washington Post" i urzędników zaznajomionych ze sprawą
Donald Trump nazywa Wołodymyra Zełenskiego z Ukrainy „dyktatorem bez wyborów". „Lepiej, żeby działał szybko, bo nie zostanie mu żaden kraj. Tymczasem my z powodzeniem negocjujemy zakończenie wojny z Rosją".
Departament Stanu USA zmusza wszystkich swoich pracowników do anulowania subskrypcji wszelkich mediów nieprzychylnych Trumpowi
Box Alarm corrected address 4200 block Meade St NE. Fire involved autos & trailers in rear yard with no extension to the dwelling. All fire knocked down. No reported injuries. Request investigators. DC firefighters
Box Alarm 1200 block 42 St NE. Auto fire extended into out building at rear of a residence. DC firefighters
Two officer-involved shootings within blocks of each other. Police say the second shooting happened after a suspect crashed his car into a marked MPD car, waved a knife at officers, and tried carjacking a woman. Officer shot the suspect, killing him
Homicide SHOOTING H STREET CORRIDOR**Mpd is on the scene of a shooting with an adult male pronounced dead on scene at 7th & H street N.E
Mpd is on the scene of a shooting with an adult male pronounced dead on scene at 7th & H street N.E
Incoming photo from the Homicide Shooting on the H Street Corridor. An adult male was pronounced dead on scene.It’s been a few months since the last shooting on H Street NE but it’s becoming far too normal
Officers responded to the 700 block of H St NE for the report of a shooting. Officers located a man suffering gunshot wounds. Despite life-saving efforts the victim was pronounced deceased. Homicide detectives have assumed control over this investigation.
Trump wyjaśnia, że dał Elonowi Muskowi uprawnienia do kontrolowania własnych konfliktów interesów i przyznaje, że może to przynieść mu korzyści finansowe
Kennedy mówi, że komisja zbada harmonogram szczepień dzieci, po tym jak obiecała, że go nie zmieni
MPD is on the scene of an officer-involved shooting near the area of Georgia Ave NW and Quebec Ave NW. At this time, no one has been struck. Additional information forthcoming. PIO en route to the scene. The media staging area will be at Georgia Avenue and New Hampshire
Man shot on the 1400 block of Oak St NW at 3:26pm. He is unconscious but breathing. Lookout for (2) black males armed with a rifle and a handgun. Last seen in a silver Honda Civic headed westbound at the listed location
SHOOTING WITH OFFICER DISCHARGING THEIR SERVICE WEAPON: IAO Georgia Ave. & Quebec Pl. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an incident with an officer discharging their service weapon. No injuries reported. Working on more information
MPD units are Investigating a Shooting in the 1400 block of Oak Street NW. Lookout for (2) black males armed with a rifle and a handgun. Last seen in a silver Honda Civic headed westbound at the listed location.
MPD is on the scene of an officer-involved shooting near the area of Georgia Ave NW and Quebec Ave NW. At this time, no one has been struck. Additional information forthcoming. PIO en route to the scene
Około 3000 osób zebrało się w poniedziałek w Kapitolu Stanów Zjednoczonych w Waszyngtonie, aby zaprotestować przeciwko głębokim cięciom budżetowym, jakie prezydent Trump i Elon Musk wprowadzają w rządzie federalnym
Box Alarm 2300 block Green St SE. Dryer fire in laundry room of apartment building. Working to remove dryer and check for extension. No injuries reported. DC firefighters
(MPD) is currently on scene investigating an armed carjacking that occurred in the vicinity of the 1200 Bl. of 1st St. N.E. During the incident, a citizen was carjacked by four individuals, one of whom was armed with a firearm