Adult female shot and D.C will be handling the investigation.
FEMALE SHOT IN SE DC: MPD has confirmed this will be their investigation. An adult female has been transported with gunshot wound injuries. She is conscious and breathing
The Metropolitan Police Department announces the arrest of a suspect in a fatal shooting that occurred on 9.11.24 in the 3700 blk of Alabama Ave., Southeast
2 dia atrásO presidente Trump postou - "O ICE orgulhosamente apreendeu e deteve Mahmoud Khalil, um estudante estrangeiro radical pró-Hamas no campus da @Columbia University. Esta é a primeira prisão de muitas que virão." O manifestante pró-Palestina da Columbia University e aluno recém-formado Mahmoud Khalil, foi supostamente detido pelo Departamento de Segurança Interna em Nova York. De acordo com seu comunicado à imprensa, os agentes do DHS disseram que o Departamento de Estado dos EUA revogou o green card de Khalil
A editora do Washington Post, Ruth Marcus, diz que está se demitindo depois que uma coluna sobre a mudança de opinião de Jeff Bezos, semelhante à do Wall Street Journal, foi rejeitada por Will Lewis
Secretário de Estado dos EUA: Decidimos cancelar 83% dos programas da USAID após uma revisão de 6 semanas
ANOTHER PERSON SHOT IN DC: 5000 Bl. of Jay St. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with one individual with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown.
PERSON SHOT IN NW DC: 6800 Bl. of Georgia Ave. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with one individual with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
CITIZEN CARJACKED BY 5 MALES AT GUNPOINT IN NE DC: 4000 Bl. of Minn Ave. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed carjacking with a citizen having their Chevy Trailblazer taken by 5 individuals armed with atleast one armed with a gun
2 dia atrásSHOOTING IN DC: The Vale Apartments 6800 block of Georgia Ave NW in Brightwood DC— the victim was shot on the fifth floor of the apartment building and reportedly dropped off at the hospital
Identificação do suspeito pela Fox News: "Fontes policiais identificaram o suspeito como Andrew Dawson, de 27 anos, de Indiana. Agentes disseram que ele estava armado com uma arma de fogo e uma faca quando foi confrontado por agentes que investigavam um alerta anterior. A polícia de Indiana havia notificado as autoridades de DC que Dawson estava dirigindo para a área de Washington, DC e estava "suicida". Boletins de inteligência também indicaram que o suspeito queria cometer "suicídio por policial".
Box Alarm 4300 block Texas Ave SE. Air conditioner on exterior on fire extended to 2nd floor 2.5 story detached house. DC firefighters
Box Alarm 900 block 10th St NW. Smoke coming from air handler on roof. Appears to be fire in duct work. DC firefighters
Box Alarm 400 block Emerson St NW. Fire confined to area between basement ceiling and first floor and is now under control with no injuries. DC firefighters
Box Alarm 400 block Emerson St NW. Fire basement ceiling 2 story middle row dwelling. Fire has been exposed and knocked down. Checking for extension. No injuries. Request Air Unit and . DC firefighters
O Serviço Secreto dos EUA atirou em um homem armado do lado de fora da Casa Branca após um confronto com a polícia, disse em um comunicado. Trump não estava na residência no momento
Man carrying gun near White House shot and injured by Secret Service
@MetroTransitPD is also on scene of this shooting. This incident possibly took place on a Metro Bus.
Metro Trasnit along with Dcfd is on scene of a shooting at 22nd & Minnesota Ave. S.E. with one individual transported with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown. This may have taken place on a metro bus
MAN ARRESTED AFTER GRABBING STEERING WHEEL OF BUS WHILE IN OPERATION: Georgia Ave. & Geranium St. N.W. @MetroTransitPD on scene investigating an incident with a passenger grabbing the steering wheel of the bus. That individual was placed in custody
PERSON SHOT IN SE DC: 22nd & Minnesota Ave. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with one individual transported with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
Box Alarm 1400 block N St NW. Smoke condition 6th floor apartment. Searching for the fire. DC firefighters
Police responded to the 1700 block of South Capitol St SE at 3:12pm for the report of a deceased person in the Anacostia River. MPD's Natural Squad was requested to the scene. There is no additional information at this time
The Metropolitan Police Department announces the arrest of a suspect involved in a shooting that occurred on 3.1.25 in the 5100 block of Hanna Pl., Southeast
5 dia atrásCasa Branca diz que Trump falará às 11h ET. Nenhum tópico fornecido
5 dia atrásO presidente Trump assina ordem executiva criando oficialmente uma Reserva Estratégica de Bitcoin
5 dia atrásREPÓRTER: O que você acha da liquidação do mercado esta semana TRUMP: Acho que são os globalistas que veem o quão rico nosso país vai ficar e não gostam disso.
Trump sobre sua guerra comercial: "Mais uma vez, haverá interrupção."
O deputado Al Green (D-Texas) disse que o presidente Trump provavelmente será acusado se "continuar com esse comportamento", depois que o representante do Texas foi censurado por seu protesto durante o discurso de Trump ao Congresso esta semana.
The Metropolitan Police Department announces the arrest of a suspect in an armed robbery in the 1100 block of 5th Street, Southeast