19 מרס 2025
AUTO COLLISION W/OVERTURN: 1300 Bl. of W St. N.W. DCFD on scene of a single vehicle overturned collision with no entrapment. 2 occupants being evaluated for any injuries
CITIZEN ROBBED AT GUNPOINT IN NW DC: 16th & Newton St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by an individual armed with a gun
הפנטגון מבצע שינויים בחיל העיתונות המתגורר (עיתונאים שיש להם חללי עבודה פיזיים בבניין): OUT: New York Times, NBC News, NPR, Politico IN: New York Post, OANN, Breitbart, HuffPost1 חודש לפני
הפנטגון מבצע שינויים בחיל העיתונות המתגורר (עיתונאים שיש להם חללי עבודה פיזיים בבניין): OUT: New York Times, NBC News, NPR, Politico IN: New York Post, OANN, Breitbart, HuffPost
ממשל טראמפ עובר לפטר סוכני FBI המעורבים בחקירות על הנשיא דונלד טראמפ, אומרים מקורות ב-AP
More than 40 bodies have been pulled from the water after Wednesday night's midair collision
ה-FAA אמר כי הוא סגר ללא הגבלת זמן את מסדרון המסוקים בגובה נמוך בשימוש במהלך ההתנגשות הקטלנית באוויר ביום רביעי. בלקהוק היה על כביש 4. הוא וכביש 1 סגורים כעת "בתוך הגשרים". הפעולה המשמעותית ביותר עד כה של FAA
One adult age man was pronounced dead on scene in the 900 block of M Street Southeast near the Washington Navy Yard after suffering from gunshot wounds at approximately 8:36 PM Thursday evening in Washington, DC on January 30, 2025.
Man who is of adult age located by officers from the Metropolitan Police Department suffering from a gunshot wound and who was not conscious and not breathing in the 400 block of N Street at approximately 9:34 p.m. in Washington, DC,
12-year-old girl among figure skaters killed in DC plane crash
Police responded to the 1800 block of Savannah Pl SE to investigate an individual who was unconscious and not breathing. The individual was pronounced dead on the scene. This is currently a death investigation
One adult age man was pronounced dead on scene in the 900 block of M Street Southeast near the Washington Navy Yard after suffering from gunshot wounds at approximately 8:36 PM Thursday evening in Washington, DC on January 30, 2025. No suspects are in custody and a large police presence is in the area as the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department homicide and crime scene unit continues to investigate.
SECOND Homicide SHOOTING IN DC WITHIN THE LAST HOUR: IAO 400 Bl. of N St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an adult male pronounced dead on scene from gunshot wound injuries. This is the 2nd homicide shooting in D.C. tonight.
Police responded to the 400 block of N St NW for the report of a shooting. Officers located a man, unconscious and not breathing, suffering a gunshot wound. Homicide has been notified
PROBABLE Fatal shooting-- 4th St at N St NW. A man has been shot, and he's in cardiac arrest
Police responded to the 900 block of M St SE the report of a shooting. Officers located a man suffering gunshot wounds. DC Fire and EMS responded to the scene and after all lifesaving measures failed, the victim was pronounced dead.
MPD Units are investigating a Shooting in the 900 block of M Street SE. Lookout for (2) black males, tall in height and of a thin build.
DEATH INVESTIGATION: IAO 18th & Savannah Pl. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene with a death investigation. One person has been pronounced dead on scene. Circumstances are unknown, and MPD is calling this a death investigation at the moment
MAN SHOT NEAR THE WASHINGTON NAVY YARD: IAO 9th & M St. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an adult male with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
This is now a homicide. He's been pronounced dead at the scene.SHOOTING-- 9th St at M St SE. A man was just shot in the chest. He's conscious
SHOOTING OUTSIDE OF WASHINGTON NAVY YARD**Mpd is on the scene of a shooting at 9th & M Street S.E near the Washington Navy Yard building. One adult male has been transported to an area hospital with a GSW to the chest
אחת ממערכות האזהרה המהימנות ביותר בעולם לזיהוי התפרצות הרעב, FEWS NET, נסגרה כתוצאה מהקפאת כל סיוע החוץ של טראמפ, לפי שני פקידים אמריקאים
President Trump has just ordered an assessment of damage done to aviation by the Biden administration's DEI policiesIt also orders the FAA to immediately elevate competence over "diversity" in hiring practicesWHY is this even controversial
Staffing at the air traffic control tower at D.C. airport was "not normal" at the time of last night's collision, according to the FAA. 1 controller was handling helicopters while also giving instructions to planes. This is usually done by 2 controllers - NYT
President Trump is set to announce 25% tariffs on both Canada and Mexico due to concerns over fentanyl traffic.
At time of crash, one controller was working two tower positions, source tells CNN
2 flight attendants in plane crash identified as Ian Epstein and Danasia Elder1 חודש לפני
2 flight attendants in plane crash identified as Ian Epstein and Danasia Elder
Bodies of 3 soldiers on board military helicopter in deadly plane crash recovered from Potomac River
1 חודש לפני
Six members of Boston skating club are among those killed in plane crash
סנטור מרילנד @ChrisVanHollen מגיב להערותיו של הנשיא טראמפ על ההתרסקות זה עתה. זה עתה חווינו טרגדיה גדולה, ונשיא ארה"ב כבר מיהר לעשות את זה פוליטי - קפץ למסקנות שערורייתיות וערער חקירות מתמשכות. ההערות שלו היו גרוטסקיות ומקוממות והוא חייב לעם האמריקאי התנצלות
MPD responded for a stabbing with an adult male transported with stab wound injuries. That individual is conscious and breathing. Crime scene located at 5300 Bl. of 4th St. N.W