4 Mart 2025
First District officers responded to a call for a shooting in the 1800 block of Potomac Avenue, Southeast. The preliminary investigation revealed the shooting…
Cumartesi günü 433 ulusal parktaki protestocular, Trump yönetiminin Ulusal Park Hizmeti ve Orman Hizmeti çalışanlarını işten çıkarmasını kınadı
CITIZEN ROBBED AT GUNPOINT W/SHOES TAKEN: 5000 Bl. of C St. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by multiple individuals with atleast one armed with a gun
Box Alarm: 800 Block of 14th Street NW - 12 story Hotel facility - Fire in room on 11th floor with smoke confined to unit and extinguished by engine company along with sprinkler activation. One adult female currently being evaluated
Trump, Mar-a-Lago'ya gitmek üzere Washington'dan ayrılıyor ve Zelensky'nin 'hemen geri dönmek istediğini' ancak 'onu hemen geri alamam' dediğini söylüyor
Dryer fire 5600 Block Colorado Ave. NW Basement dryer on fire. Fire extinguished. No reported injuries. DC firefighters
Fire: 2100 Block of I Street NE - 3 Story apartment building with smoke showing from 3rd floor upon arrival. Fire in room of an apartment on the third floor extinguished, checking for extension
Adalet Bakanlığı'na göre, ABD'nin antisemitizmle mücadele görev gücü iddiaları araştırmak için 10 üniversiteyi ziyaret edecek: Columbia; George Washington Üniversitesi; Harvard; Johns Hopkins; NYU; Northwestern; UCLA; Cal Berkeley; Minnesota Üniversitesi; Güney Kaliforniya Üniversitesi
MPD units are Investigating a Robbery in the 300 block of Quackenbos St., NW/LOF for (2) Subjects: S-1 H/M, 20's, wearing a black hoodie & black pants/S-2 H/F, 5'8", 160lbs., wearing a brown jacket & blue jeans.
ASSAULT/POSSIBLE STABBING NEAR NATIONAL MALL: Pennsylvania Ave & 7th Street NW in Penn Quarter DC— victim found near the intersection with possible stab wound injuries. DC Police on scene investigating further
Mpd is on the scene investigating a stabbing at the intersection of 7th street & Pennsylvania Ave N.w with an individual suffering a minor stab wound injury
4 gün önce
Trump, Ukrayna'nın topraklarının çoğunu Ukrayna'ya geri vermekten bahsettiğini söyledi "eğer bu mümkünse"
Man shot near Howard University on the 200 block of W St NW. He is conscious and breathing. Lookout for 2 to 3 black males running from the scene
RFK JR Kızamık Salgınları Hakkında: Bu alışılmadık bir durum değil. Her yıl kızamık salgınları yaşanıyor
Putin'in hangi tavizleri vermek zorunda kalacağı sorulduğunda Trump, Ukrayna'nın NATO'yu unutabileceğini söyledi
Trump yönetimi, yeni bir muhtıraya göre federal kurumlara çalışanlarının toplu işten çıkarılmalarına hazırlanmaları talimatını verdi
ANOTHER PERSON STABBED IN DC: 800 Bl. of New Jersey Ave. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a stabbing with one individual transported with stab wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown.
Mpd is on the scene investigating a stabbing in the 1900 Bl. of 18th St. S.E. with an individual being stabbed. The severity of the injuries is unknown
Yarının Beyaz Saray basın havuzunda, normal üç haber ajansı yerine (Reuters basın muhabiri çıkarıldı) yalnızca bir haber ajansı (Bloomberg) yer alıyor ve Newsmax "ikincil TV muhabiri ve ekibi" olarak yer alıyor ve The Blaze de yeni medya reklamında yer alıyor
STABBING: 1300 Bl. of H St. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a stabbing with one individual with stab wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
Police are investigating a shooting at the Waterfront Metro Station on the 300 block of M South-West A woman was shot around 9:07pm. She is conscious and breathing. The station has been evacuated and trains are currently bypassing
Woman shot at Waterfront Metro Station on the 300 block of M SW. She is conscious and breathing. The station has been evacuated and trains are currently bypassing
Woman shot at Waterfront Metro Station on the 300 block of M SW. She is conscious and breathing
300 block of M Street SW in Southwest Waterfront DC— the female victim was last reported still conscious. Metro Transit Police are still trying to piece together what exactly transpired
Box Alarm: 3300 Block of 11th St. NW fire in 2nd floor apartment. No extension. One person displaced. Fire investigators on scene. DC firefighters
SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE-- Poland Consulate, 2224 Wyoming Ave NW. Item reported in screening device
DOUBLE STABBING: 4600 block of Connecticut Ave NW in Forest Hills DC— two women stabbed near The Chesapeake Apartments. Police have a suspect on scene; unclear if in custody yet
DOUBLE STABBING IN FOREST HILLS AREA: 4600 Bl. of Connecticut Ave. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a stabbing with two females transported with stab wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
Elon Musk'ın DOGE'sinden 20'den fazla kamu görevlisi, "kritik kamu hizmetlerini ortadan kaldırmayı" reddettikleri için istifa ediyor: AP
The Metropolitan Police Department announces an arrest has been made in a shooting that occurred in the 3700 block of Jamison Street, Northeast, on February 18, 2025