SHOOTING: Park Rd NW & 13th Street NW in Columbia Heights DC— no info available due to radio encryption, other than a person being shot at the intersection
MAN SHOT IN NW DC: 3500 Bl. of 13th St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an adult male transported with gunshot wound injuries. That individual is conscious and breathing
(MPD) is currently on the scene investigating a shooting in the 3500 block of 13th Street Northwest. An individual is currently located inside an apartment and is suffering from gunshot wounds (GSWs).
CITIZEN ROBBED OF MONEY IN NW DC: 1600 Bl. of Irving St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a robbery with a citizen having their cash taken by 3 individuals. No weapon was produced
Box Alarm 700 block 46th St SE. Small fire back bedroom split level occupied house. Fire knocked down. Checking for extension. DC firefighters
1 ay önceU.S. Capitol Police responded to a suspicious vehicle along First Street, NW, near the Grant Memorial. Officers have taken the driver into custody. Their bomb squad will investigate the suspicious vehicle
4 CONSTRUCTION WORKERS ROBBED AT GUNPOINT: 3200 Bl. of Minnesota Ave. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with 4 construction workers having their possessions taken by an individual armed with a gun
Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is currently responding to a shots fired incident in the vicinity of the 1400 block of Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast. As of now, no victims have been identified
CITIZEN ROBBED IN NW DC: 3500 Bl. of Georgia Ave. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by 3 individuals with one armed with a hammer
Polis, bir adamın elinde pala ve 3 bıçakla ABD Kongre Binası'na girmeye çalışmasının ardından tutuklandığını söyledi
@CapitolPolice has announced an arrest of a man carrying multiple knifes including a Machete. During the screening process his bag contained the weapons. That individual was taken into custody immediately
Gov. Newsom, President Biden address fight against deadly and destructive fires burning across Los Angeles County
CITIZEN ROBBED AT GUNPOINT: 3200 Bl. of Pine St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by an individual armed with a gun
STABBING AT DC JAIL: 1900 Bl. of D St. S.E. DCFD responded to D.C. JAIL for a stabbing. An adult male has been transported with stab wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
The District of Columbia Fire Department (DCFD) is currently responding to a stabbing incident within the confines of the District of Columbia Jail. An approximately 24-year-old male victim has sustained stab wound injuries. The extent of the injuries remains uncertain at this time.
CITIZEN ROBBED AT GUNPOINT IN NW DC: 3400 Bl. of Brown St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by 3 individuals with atleast one armed with a gun
1 ay önceThis was the scene in the 4300 block of Varnum Pl. NE as the first unit arrived at the house fire. The Hazmat Unit was later requested to secure lithium ion batteries exposed to the flames, but they are not believed to be the cause. DC firefighters
Trump, GOP'un yaklaşan uzlaştırma tasarılarında kesintiler için yaptığı çağrılara yanıt olarak "Harcama kesintilerini seviyorum" diyor. Temsilciler Meclisi bir CR geçirmek için çabalarken, Teksas Temsilcisi @chiproytx "meslektaşlarıma bir uyarı atışı" yapıyor. "Gelecek yıl, açıkları azaltacak, önemli harcama kesintileri olmadan vergi kesintileri alamayacaksınız" diyor RCP'ye. Roy buna "üzerinde öleceğim bir tepe" diyor.
Federal ulaştırma düzenleyicileri, direkleri veya park halindeki araçları tanımayan ve kazalara yol açan bir araç çağırma özelliği nedeniyle yaklaşık 2,6 milyon Tesla aracını araştırıyor
ABD Temsilciler Meclisi Başkanı: Bu hafta Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi'ndeki yetkililere yaptırım uygulanmasını öngören yasa tasarısını oylayacağız
The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is currently on the scene investigating a stabbing incident that occurred outside the Sasha Bruce House located at 1000 Bl. Of Maryland Ave N.E.
ABD Kongresi, Donald Trump'ın 5 Kasım 2024'teki başkanlık seçimlerindeki zaferini onayladı
MPD is on the scene of a barricade situation in the 1800 block of 9th Street, Northeast. MPD’s Emergency Response Team is en route to the scene. Please avoid the area as we work to resolve the incident
Individual drives car into business and burglarize establishment. An incident occurred involving a robbery at Advance Auto Located at 6300 Bl. of New Hampshire Ave. Takoma Pk, MD.
PERSON DRIVES VEHICLE INTO ADVANCE AUTO PARTS & ROB BUSINESS: 6300 Bl. of New Hampshire Ave. Takoma Pk, MD. @TakomaParkPD on scene investigating a robbery with an unknown person driving their vehicle into the business and taking product
A male individual has entered the 6-D police station with what appears to be a box of explosive materials and is currently speakingwith law enforcement.The surrounding area has been evacuated as a precautionary measure
SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE INVESTIGATION-- 6th District police station at 5002 Hayes St NE. Bomb techs requested
Outside the McDonald's at 75 New York Ave NE. Routine death investigation is underway
Shooting in Southeast Washington, D.C.**The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is investigating a shooting that occurred at 6th and Brandwine Street Southeast. Evidence of a firearm discharge was found at the scene.
ARREST MADE FOR THE MASS SHOOTING IN NE DCThe Metropolitan Police Department announces an arrest in a shooting that injured five in Northeast on January 3, 2025