800 Bl. of Xenia St. S.E. @DCPoliceDept is investigating a robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by an unknown individual(s) by force. No weapon was produced
ABD Kongre Binası Polis şefi, Göreve Başlama Töreni yaklaşırken DC şehir merkezinde "bir dizi gösteri" olacağını öngörüyor. "We fight back" adlı bir etkinlikle aynı gün protesto da dahil olmak üzere, 10.000 kişiyi çekmesi bekleniyor
3 officers injured, suspect dead after shooting in NE DC apartment building: Police
Three officers were shot during a shooting incident on 300 Bl. of Florida Ave. N.E. in Washington, D.C. The DC Police Department is currently investigating the shooting
Three DC Police officers were shot this morning inside of a residential building in the 300 block of Florida Ave NE, near Union Market. The officers’ conditions remain unknown.The suspect was then shot and killed by police
3 OFFICERS SHOT W/SHOOTER DEAD: 300 Bl. of New York Ave. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with 3 officers transported with gunshot wound injuries. Also the shooter has been pronounced dead on scene from gunshot wound injuries
MPD Units are investigating a robbery in the 400 block of I St., NW. Lookout for (2) B/M's wearing puffy coats. Last seen southbound on 3rd St., NW.
The DC Police Department is currently investigating an armed robbery that occurred at 1800 Bl. of 7th St. N.W. During the incident, multiple individuals took possession of a citizen’s Canada Goose coat, with at least one individual being armed with a firearm.
CITIZEN ROBBED AT GUNPOINT 2300 Bl. of 14th St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept is investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by two individuals with atleast one armed with a gun. Incident took place around 3 a.m. this morning
CITIZEN ROBBED AT GUNPOINT: IAO 10th & Spring Rd. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by two individuals with atleast one armed with a gun
MPD Units are investigating an Armed Robbery in the Unit block of Sheriff Road, NE. L/O for 2 males, wearing all Black, armed with a rifle and shotgun, occupying a Black SUV and Silver Sedan.
Mpd is investigating an armed carjacking that occurred in the 1200 block of Savannah Street Southeast. Two individuals with at least one armed with a gun took the victims Nissan Altima, that vehicle was followed by a blue Chevy unknown model
JUVENILE MALE SHOT IN SE DC: 1500 Bl. of 18th St. S.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an unknown age juvenile male transported with gunshot wound injuries. That individual is conscious and breathing
CITIZEN ROBBED & ASSAULTED IN NW DC: 5900 Bl. of Georgia Ave. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken and assaulted by an unknown individual. No weapon was produced
1 ay önceBaşkan Trump'tan "susturma parası davası" cezasının ardından açıklama
STRETCHER /STOLEN: 5200 block of Hayes St NE in DC— DC Fire & EMS medics were attending to a patient in need of Advanced Life Support care when they realized their stretcher was gone. DC Police on scene taking a report now…
ABD'li seçilmiş başkan Donald Trump'ın Ukrayna temsilcisi, göreve başladıktan sonraki 24 saat içinde barışı tesis etme vaadinden geri adım atmasının ardından, savaşı Mayıs ayına kadar sona erdirmeyi umduğunu söyledi.
CITIZEN ROBBED AT GUNPOINT: 1600 Bl. of Park Rd. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by an individual armed with a gun
1 ay önceABD Temsilciler Meclisi, ABD ve müttefiklerinin herhangi bir "korunan kişisini" (yani İsrail'i) soruşturma, tutuklama, gözaltına alma veya kovuşturma çabalarıyla ilişkili olan herkese yaptırım uygulanması için 243-140-1 oyla oy kullandı. 45 Demokrat, yasa tasarısına oy veren Cumhuriyetçilere katıldı
1 ay önceMPD officers responded to the location in reference to a suspicious vehicle call for service. Once on scene, officers located a 2005 white in color Jeep bearing Illinois hard tags DC39903, Park on the North side of the block.
SHOOTING: Park Rd NW & 13th Street NW in Columbia Heights DC— no info available due to radio encryption, other than a person being shot at the intersection
MAN SHOT IN NW DC: 3500 Bl. of 13th St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a shooting with an adult male transported with gunshot wound injuries. That individual is conscious and breathing
(MPD) is currently on the scene investigating a shooting in the 3500 block of 13th Street Northwest. An individual is currently located inside an apartment and is suffering from gunshot wounds (GSWs).
CITIZEN ROBBED OF MONEY IN NW DC: 1600 Bl. of Irving St. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating a robbery with a citizen having their cash taken by 3 individuals. No weapon was produced
Box Alarm 700 block 46th St SE. Small fire back bedroom split level occupied house. Fire knocked down. Checking for extension. DC firefighters
1 ay önceU.S. Capitol Police responded to a suspicious vehicle along First Street, NW, near the Grant Memorial. Officers have taken the driver into custody. Their bomb squad will investigate the suspicious vehicle
4 CONSTRUCTION WORKERS ROBBED AT GUNPOINT: 3200 Bl. of Minnesota Ave. N.E. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with 4 construction workers having their possessions taken by an individual armed with a gun
Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is currently responding to a shots fired incident in the vicinity of the 1400 block of Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast. As of now, no victims have been identified
CITIZEN ROBBED IN NW DC: 3500 Bl. of Georgia Ave. N.W. @DCPoliceDept on scene investigating an armed robbery with a citizen having their possessions taken by 3 individuals with one armed with a hammer
Polis, bir adamın elinde pala ve 3 bıçakla ABD Kongre Binası'na girmeye çalışmasının ardından tutuklandığını söyledi