4 March 2025
Working Fire 800 block 3rd St South-West DC firefighters have knocked down fire 1st floor & checking for extension. 1 civilian & 1 firefighter transported non life threatening injuries. 2nd firefighter being evaluated by EMS
Working Fire 800 block 3rd St South-West DC firefighters on scene fire 1st floor 2 story townhouse
SHOOTING: 2800 Bl. of Alabama Ave. S.E. MPD on scene investigating a shooting with one individual with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
Shooting Investigation at 2230 hours in the 2800 block of Alabama Ave SE. No Lookout W/ EVENT #I20220081033
Three people shot in the 4200 block of 28th avenue, in Marlow Heights. One person is in critical condition. The shooting happened near an apartment complex
Large police presence in the 4200 block of 28th Ave., in Marlow Heights. s to come
Juvenile stabbed on the 8500 block of Richmond Highway. The call came in at 3:36pm. The victim has non-life-threatening injuries
"As of this moment I'm convinced he's made the decision," Biden says when asked whether he thinks Putin has decided to invade Ukraine
Biden: In the past few days we have seen violations of the ceasefire in the Donbass region by Russian forces
It "defies basic logic" to think that Ukraine would choose this moment to escalate the conflict, given so many Russian troops are on their border, President Biden says
Psaki says President Joe Biden will remain in D.C. throughout the weekend while "closely monitoring developments in Ukraine." "Throughout next week, the President will continue close coordination with our allies and partners on Russia's potential further invasion of Ukraine"
National Archives says records retrieved from Trump's Florida residence included classified information
SHOTS FIRED IN VICINITY OF METROBUS-- 5th St and Kennedy St NW DC. Police are reviewing video from a couple of Metrobuses that may have captured a shooter opening fire here. NO ONE STRUCK
Working Fire 600 block Oglethorpe St NW. Fire under control.DC firefighters requesting @RedCrossNCGC for 3 displaced adults. Investigators on scene looking for cause. Smoke alarms present and operational
Working Fire 600 block of Oglethorpe St NW. DC firefighters encountered fire 2nd floor of a 2.5 story detached occupied private house. Fire confined to 2nd floor and under control with no injuries. Checking on displacements
Shooting Investigation in the 1200 block of Valley Avenue SE. No lookout
WOMAN SHOT-- 1200 blk Valley Ave SE DC. She has a NLT gunshot wound. Police are searching for crime scene and shooter.
Russia has agreed to the U.S. proposal for a Blinken-Lavrov meeting in Europe and suggested dates late next week. U.S. will proceed "provided there is no further invasion of Ukraine," State says
#DC Police are responding to a shooting on the 3700 block of Georgia Ave NW. The call came in at 4:53pm. The victim appears to be inside the Petworth Metro Station
Shooting Investigation in the 600 block of Chesapeake St SE. No lookout. W/ EVENT # I20220078606
All four shifts at Engine 29/Truck 5 received their @MediumRareDC steak dinners this week. This fire house in the Palisades won the Firehouse Holiday Lighting Contest judged by @patcollins4 back in December. Thanks to @foodonthestove_ for the strong partnership
Shooting Investigation in the 500 block of Oakwood Street SE. No lookout
Shootout with shot-up autos, busted gas service and road closure-- 2900 blk minnesota ave se dc. nobody found shot yet
DEATH INVESTIGATION-- 12th St and I St NW DC. Suspected homeless woman found dead in the park. So far, not suspicious
The State Dept has stood up a task force on Ukraine in recent days, says @StateDeptSpox. He says it's a large team operating. Task forces are often stood up at the department to coordinate response to high-level situations, often crises, that cut across bureaus & agencies
3 year ago
US has a range of options in response if Russia recognizes Luhansk as an independent republic, says @PressSec
The man was found shot on the 3800 block of 9th Street, police say
5 Virginia State Police troopers hurt in crash after rammed by stolen car; search for 2 suspects
5 Virginia State Police troopers hospitalized; search for suspects continues after pursuit, crash
DC firefighters responded to 452 calls on Tuesday,February 15th. There were 133 critical and 225 non-critical EMS dispatches, and 94 fire related incidents and other types of emergencies, including 2 working structure fires