3 March 2025
Box Alarm 3500 block Stanton Rd SE. Fire confined to kitchen with no extension. No injuries. Investigators requested. DC firefighters
Box Alarm 3500 block Stanton Rd SE. Small kitchen fire in a 3 story apartment building. Checking for extension. No injuries. DC firefighters
No_entry TRAFFIC The 1600 Block of U Street, NW will be closed for Police and Fire Departmentfire_engine training exercise from 0930-1230 hours today. ****There is no public emergency at this time ****
Platoon 2 responded to 563 calls on October 6th-7th. There were 179 critical and 266 non-critical EMS dispatches, and 118 fire related incidents and other types of emergencies, including 1 working structure fire. DC firefighters
A 23-year-old flight instructor was killed in a plane crash at a Virginia airport that was being piloted by an aviation student, police say
SHOOTING: 2100 Bl. of 4th St. N.W. MPD on scene investigating a shooting with one individual with gunshot wound injuries. Severity of injuries unknown
Shooting Investigation in the 2100 block of 4th Street, NW. No Lookout W/ EVENT #I20220504189 Sent to 3rd District (PSA 301-308) Alert DC
President Biden pardons all prior federal convictions for simple marijuana possession - including under DC law - also directs states to do the same, and asks HHS & AG to review how marijuana is scheduled under federal law
IAO 14th & L St. S.E. MPD on scene investigating a shooting with no injuries reported. Community members report hearing multiple rounds of gunfire
Police in D.C. are on the scene of a shooting where at least four people were hurt along North Capitol Street in Northwest
MASS SHOOTING: MPD has stated they have 4 individuals transported to local hospitals with gunshot wound injuries. Two Pri-1 transports, and Two Pri-2 transports. Community members report hearing a large exchange of gunfire between individuals
MPD is on the scene of a confirmed shooting in the 1200 block of North Capitol Street, NW. Preliminary information suggests there are 4 victims. PIO is en route. A media staging location is forthcoming.
MPD just reported: "Shooting Investigation in the 1200 block of North Capitol Street, NW"
Shooting Investigation in the 1200 block of North Capitol Street, NW
MULTIPLE PEOPLE SHOT: Tyler House 1200 Bl. of N. Capitol St. N.W. MPD on scene investigating a shooting with initial reports of atleast 3 individuals with gunshot wound injuries. Working on full confirmation on how many people are injured
Robber Investigation in the 7400 block of Georgia Avenue, NW. Lookout for (3) B/M's, 20-25 years of age, last seen in a black sedan
Working Fire 1000 block 45th St NE. There are currently 4 displacements & 1 resident transported to hospital with minor injury. Fire investigators are on scene. Fire is under control. DC firefighters
Working Fire 1000 block 45TH St NE. Fire knocked down. Checking for extension. 1 resident removed from 3rd floor by portable ladder. 3 residents being evaluated by EMS. Firefighters safely secured an American flag from one of the apartments involved. DC firefighters
Working Fire 1000 block 45th St NE. Fire 1st floor with apparent extension to 2nd floor of 3 story occupied apartment building. People at windows in distress upon arrival. Firefighters actively attacking fire & searching for any victims
MPD and @dcfireems will be holding a training exercise TOMORROW, Friday, Oct. 7th at the MPD Third District Station that may cause minor traffic delays in the area. Please consider alternate routes
#ThrowbackThursday DC firefighters battle a 5 Alarm fire that gutted the Center Market at 5th & K Streets NW. Blaze took place on March 1st, 1946
SHOOTING: 4200 Bl. Of 7th ST SE: Mpd is on the scene of a shooting with a female being transported with a gsw injury
SHOOTING: 4200 Bl. of 7th St. S.E. MPD on scene investigating a shooting with one individual with gunshot wound injuries. And a second individual with pepper spray exposure. Both will be transported to a local hospital
Shooting Investigation in the 4200 block of 7th Street SE. One subject stopped
SHOOTING: 2300 Bl. OF Minnesota Ave SE: MPD is on the scene of a shooting with one individual being transported with gsw injuries. The severity of those injuries are unknown
Shooting Investigation in the 2300 block of Minnesota Ave., NE. No lookout. W/ EVENT #I20220500860
4000 Bl. of Will St. Coral Hills, MD. PGPD on scene investigating a shooting with no injuries reported. One home has been struck by gunfire. Multiple shell casings found on scene
Box Alarm 1500 block Swann St NW. Roof fire has been extinguished. Checking for extension. No injuries reported. DC firefighters
Box Alarm 1500 block Swann St NW. Fire on roof deck possibly originating from chimney. Water being put on the fire. No injuries reported. DC firefighters
Box Alarm 1500 block Swann St NW. Roof fire 2 story row dwelling. DC firefighters